Terms & conditions of customer service, rights, and obligations

1. Member Service Terms
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  • The term “Member” as used in the LITZMO Member Service Terms refers to individuals approved and authenticated upon completion of membership application procedures stipulated by LITZMO. By using the LITZMO services, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth herein and applicable legal regulations.
  • LITZMO reserves the right to review membership qualifications and the right to revoke the membership status of existing members.
  • Amendments to these Member Service Terms apply to all members. All amendments hereto are publicly posted on this Website.
2. Privacy protection
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  • Personal data provided by you during registration and use of these Services is used and protected in accordance with our Customer Privacy Policy.
  • 3. Data protection
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    • When using the member services provided by LITZMO, the account name and password entered during membership registration must be used.
    • Members shall be responsible for the careful use and management of their account names and passwords. Members shall be fully and solely responsible for any conduct or results caused or arising out of the use of said member account name and password (by the member himself/herself or others) to access the services provided by this Site
    • Where member account names or passwords are lost or password misuse by third parties without good cause is detected, this Site shall be immediately contacted to report the loss. Members shall be fully and solely responsible for all losses caused by failure to notify this Site in a prompt manner and the resulting inability of this Site to adopt effective preventive and corrective action.
    • You are advised to log out of this Site and close all functions each time you finish using these Services to safeguard your member rights and interests.
    • Where misuse of the account names and passwords of other members by you results in investigation or prosecution of such members or LITZMO by other third parties or administrative agencies, such members or LITZMO may, at their discretion, claim compensation for incurred damages from you (including, but not limited to, litigation and attorney fees and reputation losses).
    4. Registered member data
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    • You must provide complete, accurate, and up-to-date information.
    • Member shall not provide fabricated or false data (e,g., personal data and credit card data). If we detect the provision of untruthful data, we reserve the right to deny membership applications or suspend or revoke membership qualifications. If the provision of such false data violates applicable R.O.C. laws, we will pursue legal action.
    • In case of changes to basic member information (e.g., address, phone number, and other registered data), please update your personal data as required to ensure their accuracy and integrity. If it is detected that your data is erroneous or doesn’t match reality, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account and revoke your right to continue using these Services.
    • Without express consent of the member himself/herself, LITZMO will not disclose any data involving personal privacy to third parties. This provision shall not apply to data sharing principles (please refer to relevant stipulations set forth in the Privacy Protection Statement).
    • Members shall take good care of their password and refrain from disclosing or providing their password for use by others. All conduct engaged in with same member ID number and password during the use of these Services shall be viewed as conduct by the member himself/herself and the password holder.
    • Where members discover or suspect that third parties use their member ID numbers or passwords, they shall immediately notify LITZMO and take protective measures as required. However, the aforementioned notifications shall not be construed as a responsibility or obligation on the part of LITZMO to provide any form of compensation or indemnification to such members.
    5. User conduct
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    • Your conduct during the use of these Services shall be in compliance with the provisions set forth in applicable local and international laws. You shall be fully and solely responsible for your user conduct.
    • You explicitly agree to refrain from using these Services for illegal purposes or through illegal means to ensure full compliance with applicable R.O.C. laws and international Internet conventions. You further warrant not to use these Services to engage in any form of conduct that infringes on the rights of others or violates applicable laws.
    • You are required to observe the following restrictions regarding prohibited conduct while using the LITZMO member services:
      1. Impairment of the personality, intellectual property rights such as trademark and copyrights, or other rights
      2. Use of wording that constitutes a violation of public order, good morals, or applicable laws
      3. Extreme statements with strong political and religious connotations
      4. Without LITZMO’s express permission, you shall not use these Services or other resources provided by this Website including, but not limited to, image and text databases and web design and editing software, to engage in any form of business transactions, commercial conduct, or solicitation of advertisers or sponsors.
    • Other violations of the Member Service Terms of this Site.
    6. Exclusive rights of LITZMO
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    • All software or contents stated or linked to in these Services or contents provided by LITZMO advertisers or partners shall be protected by copyrights, other exclusive rights, or relevant laws.
    • When transmitting data to services provided by LITZMO, you agree that such data is fully open (anyone can browse such data). You authorize and permit LITZMO to reproduce, modify, adapt, or use all or part of such contents in any other form or for the creation of derivative works. LITZMO shall be the sole owner of copyrights to such derivative works.
    • LITZMO shall further hold the ownership and management rights over banner ad space and event information that appears on its web pages. Use of such information shall be subject to express prior consent of LITZMO. Any such information may not be used without prior permission.
    • Members agree that LITZMO or its strategic partners may record, preserve, and use data and records retained or generated by members on this Website for marketing, market analysis, statistics, or research purposes or for the provision of personalized or value-added services for members. Statistical data may be made public or used under condition that the aforementioned information is not disclosed.
    • Members further agree that entered personal information may be collected, processed, preserved, transmitted, and used by this Website for the provision of other information or services to users, the creation of member statistics, or surveys and marketing research regarding online user behavior.
    7. Termination of authorization
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  • If your conduct during the use of these Services constitutes any violation of applicable laws or these terms of use or potentially impairs the rights and interests of this Website or third parties, LITZMO may, at its discretion, immediately temporarily suspend or permanently terminate your authorization to use these Services without prior notice.
  • 8. Disclaimer
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    • Where one of the following conditions occurs, this Website may stop or suspend provision of these Services:
      1. Replacement, upgrades, maintenance, or installation of soft- and hardware equipment of this Website
      2. Sudden malfunctions of electronic communication equipment
      3. Inability to maintain service provision due to natural disasters or other force majeure factors.
    • With regard to any goods or services purchased or acquired in the use of these Services or posted, sold, or delivered by LITZMO sponsors or advertisers, you agree to solely bear all potential risks and independently negotiate compensation-related matters with such product or service providers according to the law. LITZMO shall not be involved and bear no responsibility whatsoever for such matters.
    9. Right of revision.
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    • By using these Services, you acknowledge that you have carefully read, fully understand, and accept the contents of these terms. LITZMO reserves the right to revise or amend the contents of these Service Terms at any time without further notice to you. You are therefore advised to review these Service Terms on a regular basis. Your continued use of these Services after such revisions or amendments shall indicate that you have carefully read, fully understand, and accept the revised and amended contents.
    • LITZMO reserves the right to temporarily or permanently alter or discontinue provision of these Services to you.
    10. IPR protection
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    • Software and programs utilized by these Website and all website contents including, but not limited to, works, images, files, information, data, website architecture, and age design shall be protected by intellectual property rights including, but not limited to, trademark rights, patent rights, copyrights, tradesecrets, and exclusive technologies owned by this Website or other rights holders.
    • Unauthorized use, alteration, reproduction, public broadcast, adaptation, distribution, publication, public release, reverse engineering, decompilation, or disassembly of such programs and contents shall be strictly prohibited. If you wish to quote or republish the aforementioned software, programs, or website contents, you must prior written consent of this Website or other rights holders. In case of IPR violations, you shall be liable for compensation of damages incurred by this Website or other rights holders (including, but not limited to, litigation and attorney fees).
    11. Supplementary provisions
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    • The contents of the user terms and disclaimers of this Website shall constitute an integral part hereof.
    • Taiwan Taichung District Court shall be the first instance court of jurisdiction for any disputes arising out of the use of LITZMO products or services.
    • Where any conduct associated with the use of these Services results in investigation or prosecution of LITZMO by third parties or administrative agencies, LITZMO may, at its discretion, claim compensation for incurred damages from you (including, but not limited to, litigation and attorney fees and reputation losses).
    • LITZMO will adequately notify members of foreseeable hard- and software maintenance operations which may result in service interruptions or suspensions prior to occurrence.
    12. Member status termination and notification obligations
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    • LITZMO reserves the right to alter service contents or terminate the right to services of any member account.
    • If a member decides to terminate his/her LITZMO member status, he/she can directly notify LITZMO by e-mail or cancel his/her member status via the mechanism provided by LITZMO. After termination of your member status, LITZMO deletes your member data in a prompt manner.
    • Members are obliged to notify LITZMO of the cancellation of their member status. Starting from the date of membership termination (determined based on the date the email is sent by LITZMO), such users lose all privileges and rights associated with these Services.
    • With a view to preventing any form of malicious activity that impairs the rights members are entitled to, LITZMO reconfirms membership termination by email after receiving notification from members prior to annulment of the member status.